MAK Sweet Urbanism About Credits Related

About the project

MAK- Austrian Museum of Applied Arts /Contemporary Art, Vienna 2013

Since 2002, Andrés Jaque / Office for Political Innovation has worked on analyzing and experimenting with the roles ordinariness can play in the making of the collective sphere. For the intervention in the MAK Columned Main Hall, the Office developed this field of work by exploring how the official discourses and the visitors’ experiences at MAK Museum are produced on an ordinary basis.

Often domestic life is described as an apolitical space, far from the places where political decisions are made, and disconnected from the public sphere. But domestic spaces can also be spaces of interconnectedness where important discussions, polemics, and interactions occur.

MAK Sweet Urbanism makes public some of museum sections that are hidden to the general public and that shape its daily life. They are places where the ordinary interacts with the construction of the museum’s public image and experience.

During the event, some of these private spaces moved in to the public space of the Mak Columned Main Hall, making visible the systems that create the museum’s image. This ephemeral installation conceived as the urbanism of the museum’s daily life was complemented with conversations and interviews between all the users of these spaces and with Andrés Jaque / Office for Political Innovation.


Andrés Jaque / Office for Political Innovation


Design, coordination and edition

Roberto González García, Paula Currás, Ljubo Dragomirov, David Martín, William Mondejar

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